For purchasing tickets online for the Rat Pack Trio with Maria Jacobs and the Benjamin Logan High School Jazz Band performance, follow these steps: Scan the QR Code: Open your phone’s camera and point it at the QR code on the flyer. This should take you directly to the Benjamin Logan Home Page. Scroll to the "Tickets" icon. Select "Tickets" to reach the "Ben Logan Ticket Office". Scroll to the event and select :Get Tickets". Click on "Thanks, Got It!" so that you can choose the best seats. Click on the blue available seats to Choose a Seat, then Check Out with your payment information.
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Benjamin Logan High School Auditorium
$20 General Admission $15 Student/Senior Citizens Proceeds support student scholarships and leadership opportunities through the Bellefontaine Rotary Club and the Benjamin Logan Music Boosers.
Contact Information
Benjamin Logan Music Boosters
Ashley Ford
Send Email