Ribbon Cutting: AMEA Healthcare
Join the Chamber to celebrate the opening of AMEA Healthcare's new office!
Categories: Chamber Of CommerceCommunity EventRibbon Cutting
Ribbon Cutting: Calvary Christian School
Join the Chamber to celebrate with Calvary Christian School in their new building addition!
Categories: Chamber Of CommerceCommunity EventRibbon Cutting
YP Casual Lunch: Kiyomi
Join your fellow Young Professionals for a Casual Lunch at Kiyomi! This is a great opportunity to connect with other YPs and share about your business or organization.
Categories: Clubs/OrganizationsCommunity EventNetworking EventYoung Professionals
Categories: Clubs/OrganizationsCommunity EventNetworking Event
First Thursday Coffee: Gathering Grounds Coffee Shop
Join us for complimentary coffee and networking with area business and community representatives!
Categories: Chamber Of CommerceCommunity EventNetworking Event
Categories: Clubs/OrganizationsCommunity EventNetworking Event
Business Impact Meeting
The Legislative Committee of the Logan County Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to reviewing, developing and supporting issues that promote a positive, pro-active business environment. In doing this, we create a connection between the Chamber and its local, state and federal government representatives.
Categories: Chamber Of CommerceLegislative Event
Categories: SchoolsCommunity EventEducational EventNetworking Event